
Industry Recovery and Resilience Officer Program

The Industry Recovery and Resilience Officer (IRRO) program helps impacted primary producers recover from the impacts of the 2021-2022 flooding and cyclone events in Southern, Central, Southeast and Western Queensland. Through the program, QFF’s Industry Recovery and Resilience Officers can support your business to develop Flood Management Plans to build resilience and identify strategies to mitigate farm business risk.

QFF’s IRROs Eloise Cosgrove and Julia Jurgs are available to support eligible flood-impacted primary producers.

  • What is the Industry Recovery and Resilience Officer Program?

    IRROs work with your business to better determine your risk from flood events. This includes putting in place property-scale flood management plans to incorporate technical advice about flood risk into your production management decisions and farm infrastructure development to reduce the impact of flooding in the long-term.

    The program helps your business identify and build strategic management practices to prepare and manage potential climate risks such as flooding events. IRROs will use existing tools and methodologies to develop plans that can be implemented by your business with assistance from industry groups, local government, and agricultural industry professionals.

    The Industry Recovery and Resilience Officers (IRRO) will help:

    • Provide support for your business for short, medium, and longer-term recovery needs, including flood mitigation resources for you and your staff.
    • Develop industry-specific, risk-based, on-farm Flood Management Plans, and connect you to technical advice.
    • Share information and provide links to existing support and services available to your business.

    The Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG) has also engaged two IRROs to support primary producers in the Burnett Mary Region. You can contact them via 07 4181 2999 or admin@bmrg.org.au

  • What is a Flood Management Plan

    A Flood Management Plan is developed to assist your business in identifying the specific risks associated with flooding (e.g., mapping of flood scenarios, seasonal agricultural production activities, management practices and current infrastructure) to outline new actions to respond to those risks and recover from these events.

    Getting Started?

    To get started on your Flood Management Plan, or Farm Business Resilience Plan, please contact your QFF Industry Recovery and Resilience Officers.

    Eloise Cosgrove – 0409 265 427 or eloise@qff.org.au

    Julia Jurgs – 0416 951 450 or julia@qff.org.au 

  • Am I Eligible to Participate?

    The Industry Recovery and Resilience Officers are available to primary producers within the impacted areas of the following natural disasters and Local Government Areas:

    Natural Disasters:

    • Central Southern and Western Queensland Rainfall and Flooding event (10 November – 3 December 2021)
    • Ex-Tropical Cyclone Seth (29 December 2021 – 10 January 2022)
    • Southeast Queensland Rainfall and Flooding event (22 February – 5 April 2022)
    • Southern Queensland Flooding event (6 May – 20 May 2022)

    Activated Local Government Areas:

    • Balonne Shire Council
    • Banana Shire Council
    • Brisbane City Council
    • Bundaberg Regional Council
    • Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire
    • Fraser Coast Regional Council
    • Gold Coast City Council
    • Goondiwindi Regional Council
    • Gympie Regional Council
    • Ipswich City Council
    • Lockyer Valley Regional Council
    • Logan City Council
    • Moreton Bay Regional Council
    • Noosa Shire Council
    • North Burnett Regional Council
    • South Burnett Regional Council
    • Redland Bay City Council
    • Scenic Rim Regional Council
    • Somerset Regional Council
    • Southern Downs Regional Council
    • Sunshine Coast Regional Council
    • Toowoomba Regional Council
    • Western Downs Regional Council

    The Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG) has also engaged two IRROs to support primary producers in the Burnett Mary Region. You can contact them via 07 4181 2999 or admin@bmrg.org.au

  • What Financial Assistance is Available?

    Financial assistance measures are now available through QRIDA. More information can be found here.

  • Primary Producer Flood Management Planning Grants now available!

    Eligible primary producers can now access up to $7,500 via a rebate to offset the cost of eligible technical advice associated with developing a flood management plan.

    Primary producers can access the Primary Producer Flood Management Planning Grants by working with an Industry Resilience and Recovery Officer (IRRO) to prepare a plan and identify technical advice to contribute to improved flood mitigation activities.

    The current closing date to access the rebate is 30 September 2024.

    Contact QFF’s IRROs for more information or download this flyer.

  • Additional Resources


Connect with your Industry Recovery and Resilience Officers
Industry Recovery and Resilience Officer

Eloise Cosgrove

Industry Recovery and Resilience Officer

Julia Jurgs

The Industry Recovery and Resilience Officer Program is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.

Communications Pack
Resources to help promote the IRRO Program