
Tariff changes in Queensland

A key driver of research was the tariff reforms to electricity tariffs in regional Queensland, determined by the Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) and enacted by Ergon Energy. Following QCA’s determinations, as of July 2021, the following tariffs became obsolete and discontinued. Customers were notified well in advance of these changes and invited to change tariffs, with those who did not change beforehand moved to the most suitable alternative by Ergon Energy.

Obsolete or soon-to-be obsolete tariffs

Tariff identifier Small or large customer Brief description Obsolete in year:
21 Small Declining block anytime use tariff. Declining cost per kWh charges for the first 100kWh, next 9,900kWh and additional kWh. July 2021
20L Large Anytime use July 2021
22L Small or large Time of use with demand charge component July 2021
37 Small or large Time of use, suited to large heating loads July 2021
62 Small Time of use and declining block: Cheaper rate after the first 10,000 kWh per month and electricity supplied on weekends and 7pm to 7am weekdays. July 2021
65 Small Time of use: cheaper electricity on weekends and 7am to 7pm on weekdays. July 2021
66 Small Anytime with demand charge component: Annual charge for the first 7.5kW of maximum demand, remaining kW of maximum demand and flat-rate per kWh charge. July 2021
22A Small Time of use pricing during summer months only: Peak pricing between 10am and 8pm during Dec-March only. Off peak all other times and all times of the day April-November. July 2023


24 Small Seasonal time of use with demand charge: Time of use as per 22A, but with peak and off-peak maximum demand charges. July 2023


41 Large Anytime use with demand charge component July 2023


New or amended tariffs

Tariff identifier Small or large customer Brief description Introduced in year
20 (amended) Small Anytime tariff


Reduced per kWh and supply charge compared to pre-July 2021

22B Small Time of use tariff with supply charge increasing based on total annual consumption brackets and includes time-of-day peak (4-9 weekdays), shoulder (4-9pm weekends, 9pm-9am weekdays) and off-peak components (9am-4pm every day). 2021


Small Controlled load; as per residential tariff 33: electricity supply may be interrupted for up to 6 hours per day; customers are compensated with lower per kWh charges 2021- small business customers previously had access to tariff 33, a secondary controlled load, but not a stand-alone controlled load tariff.


Large Controlled load, interruptions up to 6 hours per day, for large customers > 100MWh per year. 2021
60B Large Secondary controlled load (i.e. accompanies a standard anytime tariff), interruptions as per tariff 34 and tariff 60A 2021


As rural tariffs focused on irrigation needs are being phased out, concerns about the impacts on agricultural businesses have been raised.

QCA recognised that promoting education around tariffs is required to assist stakeholders in decision-making. QFF advocates for affordable electricity prices and feed-in tariffs, providing suggestions for energy policies to incorporate agricultural needs. See QFF submissions HERE.


For additional information about obsolete tariffs click below on the topic of your interest:

Electricity tariffs review by energy consultants Horan and Bird

QFF Electricity Tariffs Overview

QFF Electricity Tariffs Adjustment Scheme (ETAS)

Ergon Energy, 2021 Obsolete Tariffs

Ergon Energy, 2021 Farming tariffs (obsolete)

Ergon Energy, Obsolete tariffs expiring in 2023

QFF New Controlled load tariffs 2021