

QFF undertakes a number of projects that fit within our priority policy areas.

Ag Jobs Queensland
Ag Jobs Queensland

Ag Jobs Queensland is a one-stop portal for connecting employers and job seekers in farming and agriculture in Queensland.

It connects employers from every corner of agriculture across the state with job seekers looking for their opportunity to work  in what is arguably one of the most exciting industries to be involved in.

Agricultural Extension Work Placement Program
Agricultural Extension Work Placement Program

The Agricultural Extension Work Placement Program (AEWPP) connects early career extension professionals with host organisations to assist landholders in the Great Barrier Reef catchment.

Work placement trainees are employed by host organisations for 15 months, supported to deliver extension services and receive training and mentoring, opportunities to build their professional and local networks and apply their knowledge in practice.

AgTech Officer Placement Program
AgTech Officer Placement Program

The Queensland Farmers’ Federation (QFF) is connecting new entrants from IT/technology and agriculture related study fields to accredited training, mentorship, and networking opportunities through a 12-month work placement program. The goal of the program is to increase the capacity of the AgTech sector within Queensland to provide support to agribusinesses in the adoption of digital technologies.

We’re looking for 20 Agricultural Digital Technology Support Officers (interns) who will be placed in 20 agribusinesses (hosts) in Queensland.

Crisis Communications Training
Crisis Communications Training
Energy Information Service for Landholders
Energy Information Service for Landholders

The Energy Information Service for Landholders can be accessed Monday - Friday from 8:30am - 5pm via 07 3329 7500.


The Energy Southern Queensland (EnergySQ) program will help you understand and manage your on-farm energy consumption, and identify ways to reduce your energy spend. Any farms in the Southern Downs, Western Downs, Toowoomba and Goondiwindi Regional Council areas can participate. You can either participate individually or in a ‘cluster’ of farms in your local area.

Farm Business Resilience Program
Farm Business Resilience Program

The Farm Business Resilience Program (FBRP) is available to primary producers in Queensland. The Program helps you review all aspects of your business and identify strategies to address your risks through the development of a Farm Business Resilience Plan. This program is jointly funded by the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund and the Queensland Government’s Drought and Climate Adaptation Program.

Industry Workforce Advisor Program
Industry Workforce Advisor Program

Through extensive natural disaster recovery and natural disaster resilience experience, QFF identified a gap in the risk management tools available to landholders. Agricultural industry-specific insurance is an exciting prospect for our sector in its ongoing journey in managing risk. QFF is at the forefront of this exciting new industry and is working with industry members and the insurance industry to develop appropriate products and improve the understanding of insurance and its use as a risk management tool.


Agritourism Queensland is the not-for-profit peak body that represents the interests of primary producers who have established agritourism operations as well as those primary producers looking to diversify their farming business with agritourism.

Queensland Ag Energy Hub
Queensland Ag Energy Hub

The Queensland Ag Energy Hub provides a centralised hub of information for Queensland farmers navigating the energy needs and requirements of their operations.

Queensland Renewable Energy Landholder Toolkit
Queensland Renewable Energy Landholder Toolkit

Queensland Farmers’ Federation in partnership with the Queensland Government, has prepared the Queensland Renewable Energy Landholder Toolkit to assist and inform landholders as they respond to and negotiate with energy industry representatives about accessing land and developing renewable energy projects.

Rural Jobs & Skills Alliance
Rural Jobs & Skills Alliance

This Rural Jobs & Skills Alliance (RJSA) of industry members and government provides leadership and advice to government, service providers and other organisations on employment, skills, industry training and workforce planning issues on behalf of Queensland’s agriculture industries.

SmartAg Queensland
SmartAg Queensland

Past Projects

Ag electricity tariffs

Electricity tariffs in Australia have a complex configuration that affects the capacity of farmers to choose the most suitable option. While changes to tariffs structures and rates have impacted the profitability and competitiveness of agricultural businesses.

Agriculture Workforce Plan

To address workforce issues experienced in the agriculture industry, the Queensland Farmers’ Federation (QFF) in partnership with Jobs Queensland will deliver a Queensland Agriculture Industry Workforce Plan.


The Queensland Farmers’ Federation has partnered with the Queensland Government to deliver the Queensland Agritourism Grants Program offering a 50 per cent co-contribution up to a maximum of $25,000 to match farmers’ funds.

Climate Adaptation

The effects of climate change on the long-term viability of farm businesses across the state are a risk that must be managed. Climate adaptation for agriculture centres on continuous improvement in the capacity of farmers to deal with a changing climate, and ensuring the necessary tools are available. Increasing the knowledge and understanding of climate change leads to more resilient farmers and their businesses. Increasing the resilience of the sector through better climate modelling and management tools is imperative for its long-term sustainability.

Digital Agriculture

Digital, or smart farming, and precision agriculture involve the integration of advanced technologies into farming practices to increase production efficiency and the quality of agricultural produce. Smart systems rely on connectivity and the sensors capable of capturing the real time, daily, weekly, and monthly data on variables such as energy, climate, and water.

Energy Savers

The Energy Savers program aims to help farmers reduce energy costs by supporting the accelerated adoption of improvements in on-farm energy use.

Industry Recovery and Resilience Officer Program

The Industry Recovery and Resilience Officer (IRRO) program helps impacted primary producers recover from the impacts of the 2021-2022 flooding and cyclone events in Southern, Central, Southeast and Western Queensland. Through the program, QFF’s Industry Recovery and Resilience Officers can support your business to develop Flood Management Plans to build resilience and identify strategies to mitigate farm business risk.

Localised Energy in Regions

Decentralised and dispatchable consumer energy resources (CER) are poised to make a considerable impact on regional electricity networks. The Queensland Farmers' Federation (QFF) will conduct market research to identify the emerging appetite for local CERs across Queensland’s Renewable Energy Zones, and insights that improve the planning, utilisation, and affordability of integrating CERs on regional grids.


The Queensland Farmers’ Federation has partnered with Cotton Australia, Reaqua and Constructive Energy to consider whether microgrids can offer benefits to agricultural electricity consumers as well as networks.


The NuWater Project is an irrigation plan to pump recycled water from South East Queensland, improve Moreton Bay water quality for all South East Queenslanders and increase agricultural production across the Lockyer Valley and Darling Downs.

Reef Champion Awards

The Reef Alliance is a partnership that recognises and works with land managers to protect and maintain the intrinsic values of the Great Barrier Reef.

Renewable Energy on Farm

Electricity is an important input for irrigated agriculture, however rising costs have constrained New South Wales and Queensland growers and impacted their profitability, competitiveness and on-farm operations. There is a progressive commitment among Australian farmers to invest in energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies.

Walking the Wire: Strengthening the Financial Security of Rural Agribusiness Women

This e-kit is designed as a simple guide to provide direction about questions to ask, issues to be aware of, and where to find further information, education and obtain initial advice. It has been written by rural women for rural women.

Your Career in Agriculture

Agriculture is the most diverse job market of any sector in the economy with outstanding growth opportunities in an increasingly prosperous global market that values safe, ethical and sustainable produce.