Earlier this week large areas across Far North Queensland experienced heavy rainfall and significant flooding, with some regions receiving six months’ worth of rain in as few as three days.
Flood records stretching back decades have been broken, with the state Premier David Crisafulli labelling the disaster impacting his hometown of Ingham as a once in a century event. Tragically lives have been lost in Ingham, and thousands of people have been placed under evacuation orders across the north.
Unfortunately for communities throughout Far North Queensland, this heavy rainfall and flooding hasn’t even been a once in a decade event. In 2019 flooding in Townsville caused more than $1 billion in damages and further north in Cairns, records were broken in 2023 following Tropical Cyclone Jasper, a disaster from which farmers and local communities are still recovering.
We should expect to see a significant recovery process from this event, with widely circulating footage of collapsed and submerged bridges and roads reconfirming the need for resilience to be embedded in future infrastructure development projects throughout Queensland, especially so in flood-prone areas such as the state’s far north.
This damage, particularly to the Bruce Highway at Orella Creek Bridge between Townsville and Ingham, will have a substantial impact on the immediate recovery of, and supply chain to, Far North Queensland and will have flow on impacts on agricultural and regional supply chains for some time to come. Flooding has also prevented rail transport north and south of Townsville, further limiting the movement of much needed supplies.
QFF’s peak body members including Canegrowers, Queensland Fruit & Vegetable Growers (QFVG) the Nursery & Garden Industry Queensland and eastAUSmilk are working with their grower members as they work through the immediate response and begin their initial assessments of crop losses and infrastructure damage.
The cane growing regions in the Burdekin have been heavily impacted, with significant damage reported at Giru. Many horticulture farms are still assessing, or trying to assess, the impacts on their produce due to intra farm flooding, but harvest delays are expected due to significant erosion.
For those crops which have already been harvested, transport management now becomes a challenge due to the significant infrastructure damage throughout the north, as well as the potential for the imposition of additional costs by transporters. There is hope for some crops that are only early in the growing season to stay on, however it is likely too early to tell.
The nursery industry has also been significantly impacted, devastating many of the small businesses operating in the region. Like many farmers, some of these are live-on farms and so producers are dealing with the compounding stressors of damage to their family homes.
The Australian and Queensland Governments have announced targeted disaster support and recovery in several local government areas throughout Far North Queensland. To learn more about the support available visit www.qld.gov.au/community/disasters-emergencies. Farmers impacted by the event are encouraged to report damages via the via the Queensland DPI Agriculture Disaster Impact Survey.
As demonstrated by QFF’s recently concluded Industry Recovery and Resilience Officer (IRRO) program, which supported 100 primary producers impacted by the 2021-22 flood events to build flood recovery capacity, resilience and identify strategies to mitigate farm business risk, industry-led extension support plays a critical role in facilitating on-farm recovery and resilience.
As we get a better sense of the overall impact of this event on Far North Queensland’s farmers, QFF will advocate for the timely disbursement of relief and recovery funding to ensure farm businesses can return to business-as-usual as soon as possible as well as the age-old issue of changing eligibility criteria to allow for crop replacement support for growers. QFF will also continue to advocate for government to embed skilled industry resilience officers in the local communities impacted by this event for the most efficient delivery of on-the-ground recovery.