

The peak body for Australian sugarcane growers.
Call +61 7 3864 6444 Email info@canegrowers.com.au Visit www.canegrowers.com.au


CA logo with tagline - blue - transparent

The peak body for Australian cotton growers.
Call +61 2 9669 5222 Email talktous@cotton.org.au Visit cottonaustralia.com.au


The state industry body representing Queensland fruit, vegetable and nut growers.
Call +61 7 3620 3844 Email qfvg@qfvg.com.au Visit www.qfvg.com.au


The peak body for the Queensland nursery and garden industry.
Call +61 7 3277 7900 Email info@ngiq.asn.au Visit www.ngiq.asn.au


Eastausmilk Logo Full Color CMYK 1080px@300ppi

The peak body for Queensland and New South Wales dairy farmers.
Call +61 7 3236 2955 Email  Visit www.eastausmilk.org.au


ACFA - Colour - 600ppi

ACFA is a national organisation, providing services to members spanning from Far North Qld to Northern NSW.
Call +61 7 3839 1900 Free Call 1800 500 025 Email admin@acfa.com.au Visit www.acfa.com.au


Queensland United Egg Producers. The peak body for Queensland egg farmers.



The peak body for Queensland turf producers.
Call +61 7 3822 8662 Email info@qtpa.com.au Visit www.qtpa.com.au


QCMC full logo

Queensland Chicken Meat Council. The peak body for Queensland chicken meat processors.
Email qcmc@qff.org.au

The peak body for Queensland pig farmers.


The peak body for irrigators in the Bundaberg district.
Call +61 7 4151 2555 Email brig@bdbcanegrowers.com.au



The peak body for irrigators in the Burdekin district.
Call +61 427 450 265 Email admin@briairrigators.com.au



Central Downs Irrigators Limited (CDIL) The peak body for irrigators in the Central Downs district.
Call +61 419 740 371 Email secretary_cdil@hotmail.com Visit www.cdil.com.au


FIN is responsible for the timely delivery of water from the Fairbairn Dam for use in irrigated annual crops, horticulture, and stock and domestic supply.
Call +61 7 4982 4446 Email admin@fairbairnirrigation.com.au Visit fairbairnirrigation.com.au



Mallawa Irrigation Ltd operates the St George channel scheme, an area of about 10,000 hectares between the Balonne River and Buckinbah pump station.
Call +67 7 4625 4358 Email accounts@mallawairrigation.com.au Visit www.mallawairrigation.com.au



Pioneer Valley Water Co-operative Limited The peak body for irrigators in the Pioneer Valley district.
Call +61 7 4957 8481 Email pvwater@pvwater.com.au Visit www.pvwater.com.au


Theodore Water logo from web

Theodore Water Pty Ltd operates the Theodore channel irrigation scheme located in Dawson Valley in Central Qld.
Call +67 7 4599 9102 Email office@theodorewater.com.au Visit www.theodorewater.com.au


A locally owned and operated scheme that delivers irrigation water to some 350 customers
across the southwest of Mackay in north Queensland.
Call +61 7 4977 5850  Email info@etonirrigation.com.au  Visit www.etonirrigation.com.au


Oyster Growers Logo (No Background)

Queensland Oyster Growers Association. The peak body for oyster growers in Queensland.
Call +61 tbc  Email  sales@mbro.com.au

Lockyer Water Users Forum - ripped off web