
Our Committees

QFF hosts policy and advisory committees to ensure our members are represented on key issues impacting the Queensland agriculture sector.

  • Biosecurity Committee

    The Biosecurity Committee’s role is to provide strategic oversight and direction for QFF member’s priorities as they pertain to key biosecurity issues and related trends affecting Queensland agriculture. The Secretary of the Committee sits at the state level on the Biosecurity Queensland Ministerial Advisory Council (BQMAC) providing advice to and seeking action from the Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries, and the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

    Animal pests and diseases, and plant pests and diseases are a threat to the profitability of QFF member industries and agriculture more broadly, as well as the sustainability of natural resources and the ability to conserve biodiversity and ensure productive landscapes. This Policy Committee is an important vehicle for addressing the direct biosecurity needs of QFF’s members and their members. It is the first line of active response at QFF to possible biosecurity threats and strategic input to future policy developments.

    Chair: Ian Atkinson, CEO, Nursery and Garden Industry Queensland (NGIQ)

  • Farm Business and Economics Committee

    The Farm Business and Economics Committee (FBEC) provides leadership on farm business and economic related matters impacting QFF members and their members. This includes the identification of issues relevant to farm businesses and the agriculture economy, submissions and consultations; oversight of QFF projects such as the Farm Business Resilience Program, Managing Weather Risks to stabilise Farm Income, and providing a conduit of information between Queensland’s agricultural sector, government and related stakeholders.

    Providing recommendations of critical actions to the QFF Board and QFF Council, FBEC is vital to ensuring QFF can advocate in a meaningful way for policy and regulation to enable farm businesses to operate sustainably and profitably going forward.

    Chair: Michael Murray, General Manager of Operations, Cotton Australia

  • Intensive Animal Industries Policy Committee

    The role of the Intensive Animal Industries Policy Committee (IAIPC) is to provide stewardship on matters impacting QFF’s intensive animal industry members – pigs, dairy, eggs, and chicken meat – and their growers and businesses. The strategic priorities identified by QFF members for which this Committee provides policy and regulation leadership relate to animal welfare, business continuity and prosperity and biosecurity, with consistent oversight of other issues such as food safety, planning and labour.

    Chair: David Bray, President, Queensland Chicken Meat Council (QCMC)

  • Natural Resource Management Policy Committee

    The Natural Resource Management Policy Committee (NRMPC) is the key means by which critical NRM matters affecting QFF members, their members and the agricultural sector more broadly can be addressed.

    The NRMPC ensures the efforts of farmers are acknowledged and that impacts to the sector are considered during the development of both legislative and voluntary targets. The remit for this Committee is broad, and is currently aiming to:

    • Champion agriculture’s role as a key stakeholder in improving the Great Barrier Reef’s water quality through practices that ensure future farm profitability and achieve desired environmental outcomes.
    • Provide agricultural extension pathways to facilitate best management practices (BMP).
    • Foster the development of carbon farming and nature repair markets in a way that maintains farm productivity and profitability.
    • Ensure agriculture is financially and operationally supported to be prepared for a carbon-constrained future.

    Chair: Mick Quirk, Environment and Sustainability Manager, Canegrowers

  • Planning and Local Government Committee

    The role of the Planning and Local Government Committee (PLGC) is to provide stewardship on land use, local government and planning related matters impacting QFF members and their members. The PLGC will consult and interact with all policies regarding land use, encroachment, land valuation and infrastructure that pertain to agriculture in Queensland. A key focus of the PLGC is to ensure all members and their representing industries are aware and represented regarding land use matters, considering the growing renewable energy sector, continued development of urban fringe areas and other increased land use competition.

    The PLGC will be responsible for identifying key issues in policy changes, as well as consulting and drafting submissions relating to land use and planning. The committee will ensure to advocate for the needs of QFF members to protect and promote the preservation of priority agricultural land.

    Chair: Kay Tommerup, Director, eastAUSmilk and grower

  • Water and Energy Policy Committee

    The role of WEPC is to provide stewardship on water and energy related matters impacting QFF members. This includes the identification of issues, impacts of climate change, notification of upcoming matters including submissions and consultations; and providing a conduit of information between Queensland’s agricultural sector and government and related stakeholders.

    The purpose of WEPC is to ensure Queensland’s agriculture is aware of current and future matters (including policy and regulation) pertaining to water and energy and can operate sustainably going forward. This includes the recommendations of critical actions and policy to the QFF Board and QFF Council.

    Chair: Michael Murray, General Manager of Operations, Cotton Australia

  • Workplace Health and Safety Committee

    The role of the Workplace Health and Safety Committee (WHSC) is to provide stewardship on health and safety related matters relevant to QFF member originations. The WHSC will focus on priority policy and regulatory changes that may impact on-farm and rural safety. The WHSC will strive to be proactive in this space and be at the front of identifying potential WHS issues, consulting with government and related stakeholders.

    The WHSC will be responsible for contributing strategic content for submissions relating to current and future health and safety matters, ensuring member organisations and agricultural industry bodies are well informed of and have input into relevant future policy and legislation relating to on farm safety.

    Chair: Joe Moro, Chair, QFVG and grower