

The Queensland pork industry is valued at $273 million and includes approximately 280 commercial pig herds. The Pork industry has undergone significant growth with the 2015-16 forecast 34% higher than the average for the past 5 years.

Most pork production is for the domestic market. In 2014-15, about 1.1 million head were slaughtered in Queensland producing 87,191 tonnes.

Queensland has around 22.4% of the national herd with 61,624 sows and approximately 280 commercial herds with sows.

Australian produced pig meat products are mostly consumed domestically, however, pig meat products are exported to 37 countries, primarily: Singapore, Hong Kong, Germany, Papua New Guinea & Belgium.

Pig production is located close to grain growing areas. The Darling Downs has 56% of the states total pig herd while the next largest region is Wide Bay which has 30% of the state’s pigs. The Fitzroy region has 9.5% of the herd.

Representative group for Queensland pork producers