

Queensland’s intensive animal industries are worth $1.22 billion to the state’s economy. This figure represents the combined value of the chicken meat, pork, dairy and egg industries.

Each industry has a separate representative organisation, however they are collectively represented by the Queensland Farmers’ Federation.

Queensland poultry production is valued at $588 million and is supplied by approximately 90 farms with 90% of these located in the state’s South East. Queensland’s poultry meat farmers are represented the the Queensland Chicken Growers Association (QCGA).

The Queensland pork industry is valued at $273 million and includes approximately 280 commercial pig herds. The Pork industry has undergone significant growth with the 2015-16 forecast 34% higher than the average for the past 5 years.

Queensland’s pig farmers are represented by Pork Queensland Inc.


Queensland egg farmers are represented by Queensland United Egg Producers.

Representative group for Queensland and northern New South Wales dairy farmers

eastAUSmilk is the peak advocacy body representing the interests of dairy farmers across Queensland and northern New South Wales.

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Representative group for chicken meat processors in Queensland

QCMC is the peak Queensland body representing the interests of processors and contract growers involved in the chicken meat industry. Their members include the major processors Golden Cockerel, Inghams, and Darwalla.


Representative group for Queensland egg producers
Representative group for Queensland pork producers