

Horticulture is Queensland’s second largest primary industry, worth more than $2.8 billion per year and employing about 25,000 people. Queensland’s 2800 horticultural farms produce more than 120 types of fruit and vegetables and are located from Stanthorpe in the south to the Atherton Tablelands in the far north.

Horticulture Facts

Queensland is Australia’s premier state for fruit and vegetable production, growing one-third of the nation’s produce.

Horticulture is Queensland’s second largest primary industry, worth more than $2.8 billion per year and employing around 25,000 people.

Production horticulture is a major contributor to regional economies and the mainstay of many communities.

The state is responsible for the majority of Australia’s banana, pineapple, mango, mandarin, avocado, beetroot and fresh tomato production.

Production horticulture is the most labour intensive of all agricultural industries, with labour representing as much as 50% of overall operating costs.

The industry has significant links to the tourism industry, providing income for backpackers and ‘grey nomads’ every year.

Production horticulture is a high value and efficient user of water producing about 40% of the value of all irrigated products on only 3% of the State’s total land and using only 10% of the State’s irrigation water.

The industry body representing turf producers in Queensland.

Turf Queensland is the body representing the professional industry of turf production in Queensland.

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Industry Group for Horticulture

The state industry body representing Queensland fruit, vegetable and nut growers and a valued service delivery partner.

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