
Corporate Partners program

Queensland Farmers’ Federation (QFF) actively seeks strong partnerships with industry, across sectors and with private enterprise to deliver positive economic, social, and environmental outcomes on regional matters.

About our Corporate Partners program

QFF’s Corporate Partners program is designed to develop mutually beneficial relationships between QFF, our corporate partners and our peak agriculture industry organisation members, so that we may work together, collaborate, and innovate to build a strong future for Queensland agriculture.

Through our Corporate Partners program, we work closely with a select group of strategic partners to develop long-term relationships that foster strong engagement across QFF’s membership. Our goal is to make a positive contribution to the future of farming and agriculture in Queensland.

We are seeking to partner with companies that play a critical role in the Queensland agriculture supply chain and can provide advantages to QFF members. A strong alignment of organisational values and genuine intent to place farmers interests at the centre of partnership initiatives is very important to QFF.


If you're interested in exploring a partnership with QFF, please contact:

Anna Jones
Corporate Partnerships and Communications Manager, QFF
E: partnerships@qff.org.au
M: 0481 395 623