QFF is preparing a landholder toolkit and guide to assist landholders as they respond to and negotiate with developers about accessing land for renewable energy projects. We’re pleased to be working in partnership with the Department of Energy and Public Works (DEPW).
Queensland is well placed to be a renewable energy powerhouse with an abundance of sunshine and wind. Since 2015 Queensland has grown from 7% to over 20% renewable energy generation with the target to reach 50% by 2030. With increasing interest in the development of renewable energy projects, more landholders are considering hosting developments on their property.
QFF is keen to hear from both landholders and developers to share their stories and advice confidentially as we prepare this guidance.
If you are keen to share your advice, you can either (a) answer a few questions HERE and we will get in contact with you, (b) email Jonathan Mendez, our energy Project Officer at jonathan@qff.org.au or (c) call the QFF Office on 07 3837 4720.
To find out more, visit the Project Website HERE.