
Crisis Communications Training

For farmers and agriculture sector representatives

Primary producers are increasingly facing risks that may cause disruption to their farm business. This may include a biosecurity outbreak, eco-terrorism attacks, a farm accident or fatality, or any unplanned event that causes a disruption to their usual business activity.

Communication during a crisis is critical with key stakeholders including staff, clients, and suppliers, as well as public officials, industry and the media. QFF has identified a need to build capacity and skills for farmers and key agriculture representatives to manage this communication and deal with media enquiries.

Through the Crisis Communications Training program, farmers and agriculture sector representatives will be equipped to manage communications in a crisis. The training will also support development of public speaking skills to ensure participants are comfortable speaking both in response to an incident or other occasions where they may need speak publicly.

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Crisis Communications Training EOI


How the training will be delivered

  • Participants will attend 1 x face to face workshop which will provide training on various crisis communications skills, resources, and scenario exercises.
  • Participants will also be provided with a series of resources including a toolkit that will equip them with the skills, techniques and methods to manage farm and industry communications, and where necessary, respond to media interviews and requests for information. The toolkit will include communication plan templates both for crisis communication preparation and delivery.

Get in touch

To learn more about the Crisis Communications Training, please contact Project Manager Kerry Battersby.
Project Manager, Risk, Recovery and Resilience

Kerry Battersby