
QFF stands with community and industry to oppose carbon capture and storage (CCS) in the Great Artesian Basin (GAB).

We have a duty of care to protect the Great Artesian Basin for future generations.
#NoCCSInOurBasin. Add your voice to the campaign below.

The Great Artesian Basin (GAB) is one of the largest underground freshwater resources in the world. It generates approximately $13 billion in value to the national economy every year and is a vital resource for 180,000 people, 7,600 businesses and 120 towns.

This natural resource is not only heavily relied upon by agriculture but is also the lifeblood of multiple industries and rural communities. The biodiversity supported by the GAB is incredible and the environmental value of this natural asset immeasurable.

We cannot let poor climate policy, which will not deliver the environmental outcomes we all seek, put at risk our greatest natural assets like the Great Artesian Basin.   

QFF’s e-petition has now closed with 12,000+ signatures. Thank you to everyone who signed.


Queensland Farmers' Federation
"The GAB is one of the world's most magnificent water producing natural assets and we have a duty of care to protect it for future generations. CCS is not appropriate and has no place in the GAB."
Queensland Conservation Council
"CCS in the GAB is not a climate solution. CCS poses too significant a risk to the GAB, the precious groundwater it produces and the environment. We call on the Queensland Government to say no to CCS in the GAB."
Local Government Association Queensland (LGAQ)
Councils want the federal and state governments to adopt a precautionary approach and not allow CCS projects to be approved in the GAB.