The Queensland agriculture sector has some of the highest input costs in the world without receiving the protections and subsidies that are seen in other countries.
This has led Queensland farmers to be some of the most efficient and productive in the world. However, to remain internationally competitive in the export market and to maintain access to affordable fresh food for all Queenslanders, these costs must be addressed – particularly when it comes to water.
Inputs such as water and electricity are imperative to the efficiency and profitability of a farming enterprise. At the same time, excessive costs and a lack of long-term price certainty in these areas is also eroding investment and investment confidence in Queensland, and in the agriculture sector.
QFF is calling for a coordinated and consultative approach for water planning and policy and regulation development to ensure water efficiency, affordability and reliability is stabilised for the agriculture sector.
The sustainability of the sector is reliant on this being achieved while we also work to find solutions that benefit the economy while respecting the needs of the environment.