- QFF joins Canegrowers in urging the Queensland Government to assist flood-hit growers with replanting costs for crops lost to Far North Queensland’s extensive flooding events. Read more here.
- Queensland Fruit & Vegetable Growers (QFVG) have published an article highlighting the vital role of agricultural extension in bridging the gap between scientific discovery and the practical implementation of these findings on farm. Read more here.
- Flood-hit primary producers, small businesses and not-for-profits in north Queensland council areas can now apply for concessional loans to assist with their recovery from the sustained rainfall and flooding endured during the past week. Read more here. For loan applications visit the QRIDA website. Primary producers impacted by the heavy rainfall and flooding are encouraged to report impacts via the Queensland DPI Agriculture Disaster Impact Survey.
- Members of QFF’s peak body members can save on Mobil fuels available through a growing network of Mobil branded and 7-Eleven service stations with a Mobil Card. Learn more about the offer and express your interest here.
- Rabobank has released its Agribusiness Outlook 2025 report providing an overview of the developments impacting market conditions for some of Australia’s key commodities. Read it here.
- The Queensland Government recently established the Local Government Red Tape Reduction Taskforce to provide advice to government about reducing red tape for Queensland councils. The taskforce will identify opportunities to streamline approvals and remove barriers for local government projects. Read more here.
- The Federal Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry is seeking feedback on the most pressing issues caused by drought, and the regions and industries most affected to inform the design of the Future Drought Fund’s Innovation Challenges Pilot grant opportunity. Read more and have your say here.
- The Australian Lot Feeders’ Association (ALFA) has released a fast fact resource collection containing essential information about the industry and the role it plays in Australian agriculture, and domestic and global food supply. Learn more here.
- The National Farmers’ Federation’s flagship conference is back, and for the first time in many years will take place outside of Canberra. AgXchange Australia is set to take place on September 23-25 on the Gold Coast. Read more here.
- QFF peak body member QFVG has a long-standing relationship with WFI who can assist you with your insurance needs. If you would like a referral to the best person at WFI to discuss your insurance needs contact QFVG on 07 3620 3844.